Package details

You will learn everything from zero to Controling the SEA-DOO and making it move with our experienced crew from Senibong Cove to Johor’s largest port and white sandy beach (round trip), and exploring the Strait of Johor from a different breathtaking view with Seadoo, photos and videos will be taken by our crew for you throughout the process.

SEA-DOO JetSki self-driving experience (24 kilometers in total) starting from Senibong Cove to Stulang Beach, Johor’s largest port and White sand beach. Explore the Straits of Johor from a different perspective with Seadoo Safari, including we wil take photos and videos for you for free throughout the process.

SEA-DOO JetSki 自驾体验 (全程24公里), 从 Senibong Cove出发, 前往柔佛州最大的港口, Stulang海滩和白沙滩。与Seadoo Safari一 起从不同的⻆度探索柔佛海峡,包括我们将在整个过程中免费为您拍摄照片和视频。


  • Brief before riding for SEA-DOO basic knowledge
  • Booking one day before
  • Self ride
  • Start From Senibong Cove to Stulang Beach round trip
  • Explore Johor Straits with Seadoo
  • Duration: Estimated 1 hour

Beginner Ride

Beginner Ride (Single)

Experience the thrill of solo jet ski riding

RM 500.00

Beginner Ride (Double)

Enjoy the fun of two person jet ski riding

RM 700.00